Contributing to a sustainable future
We live in a world where every sustainable contribution — has an impact. At Angelbird, we consistently strive to optimize our processes, and turn our contributions from little to large. Because making changes now, will create a better future for generations to come.

Short distribution ways
Most of our value chain is inhouse, reducing the amount of resources we need to ship products and parts from one place to the next. We also have a worldwide network of partners who distribute Angelbird products so we can reduce delivery distances and CO2 emissions.
Refurbished products
Misproduced, old, or returned stock doesn't go in the trash. You can buy our tested refurbished Angelbird products at a reduced price.
Recycling is a part of our DNA
Anything we can recycle in our production cycle, we do. From metals to electronics, packaging excess, and more.
Long-lasting and high-quality products
We're constantly working on ideas to extend the lifespan of our products. Our most recent release: the Angelbird Firmware Update Tool, which you can use for CFexpress memory cards.
Sustainable packaging
We've optimized our packaging to contain as little plastic as possible. Also ensuring Angelbird packaging is as compact and small as possible to save on waste.
We run on renewable electric energy
Our office space and fleet run on renewable energy created by a local hydroelectric power station.
Reducing our teams’ carbon footprint
Angelbird team members can opt for an e-bike and/or free bus and train tickets to reduce our overall footprint.
Most of our value chain is inhouse, reducing the amount of resources we need to ship products and parts from one place to the next. We also have a worldwide network of partners who distribute Angelbird products so we can reduce delivery distances and CO2 emissions.
Refurbished products
Misproduced, old, or returned stock doesn't go in the trash. You can buy our tested refurbished Angelbird products at a reduced price.
Recycling is a part of our DNA
Anything we can recycle in our production cycle, we do. From metals to electronics, packaging excess, and more.
Long-lasting and high-quality products
We're constantly working on ideas to extend the lifespan of our products. Our most recent release: the Angelbird Firmware Update Tool, which you can use for CFexpress memory cards.
Sustainable packaging
We've optimized our packaging to contain as little plastic as possible. Also ensuring Angelbird packaging is as compact and small as possible to save on waste.
We run on renewable electric energy
Our office space and fleet run on renewable energy created by a local hydroelectric power station.
Reducing our teams’ carbon footprint
Angelbird team members can opt for an e-bike and/or free bus and train tickets to reduce our overall footprint.